Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My DAD is now an American citizen

As of today my dad (Mark Ormsby) is an American citizen. I'm so proud of my dad and for the love he has for both New Zealand and The United State of America. It only took him 24 years to get but he didn't start the process till November of last year. Most of the family was there to support and see him take the oath. I love my dad and I'm so happy that he is now an American citizen. 


Jared said...

Awesome, can he give us any pointers on getting Carrie to be American? Did he have to give up his NZ citizenship to become American?

Heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! That is awesome!

Cameron and Sarah said...

He didn't have to give up his NZ citizenship but he now has to use a USA passport. Umm. I'll have to talk to my mom about how to get it she did everything but take the test. I'll let you know once I get some info jared.